Recently I had to work on a project were the customer was planning to implement SAP AFS and SAP APO to handle their business requirements. The development challenge on this requirement was to maintain 2 different locations for each plant created in AFS side. This was required in order to plan for wholesaled and retail requirements of the business. This was maintained in AFS side on the category structure in for a given material.
I have mentioned the exits used I used during this modification. Hope this will be helpful for someone who need to modify data which is gets transferred to APO.
SAP standard industrial enhancement BADI:
AFS implementation name: /AFS/NDIF_APO
User exits for each area
1) Enhancement for plant data transfer :
User exits: EXIT_SAPLCLOC_001
Enhancement: CIFLOC01 Enhancement for Transferring Customer-Specific Loc. Fields
2) Enhancement for material data transfer :
User exits: EXIT_SAPLCMAT_001
Enhancement: CIFMAT01 Enhancement for Transferring Customer-Specific Matl Fields
3) Enhancement for PO/POC/PR data transfer :
User exits: EXIT_SAPLMEAP_001
Enhancement: CIFPUR01 Enhancement for Transferring Customer-Specific PO Fields
4) Enhancement for SO data transfer:
User exit: EXIT_SAPLCSLS_002
Enhancement: CIFSLS03 Influencing of Sales Order Data Prior to Dispatch
5) Enhancement for Source of supply or Purchase info record data transfer:
User exit: EXIT_SAPLCSRS_003
Enhancement: CIFSRC01 Enhancement for Transferring Customer-Specific SS Fields
6) Enhancement for stock data transfer:
User exit: EXIT_SAPLCSTK_001
Enhancement: CIFSTK01 Enhancement for Transferring Customer-Specific Stock Fields
7) Enhancement for Batches transfer :
User exits: EXIT_SAPLCCHG_001
Enhancement: CIFBTC01 Enhancement for Transferring Customer-Specific Batch Fields